The ClickArt 40,000 Image Pak School Edition CD-ROMs have a delightful array of images for pupils and teachers to import to their favourite word processing packages, paint packages or multimedia presentation packages. It is easy to use and the images make texts lively and eye-catching. The School Edition has a Teacher’s Guide giving suggestions on how ClickArt can enhance projects and themes. The Guide also makes suggestions on topics and associated images to add that creative touch to greeting cards, invitations, project books, work books and posters.
ClickArt 40,000 Image Pak School Edition includes a visual catalogue to help pupils choose the images they want to use. Using the images on the CD-ROM is as easy as pointing and clicking, or quickly importing them into another application. All you use is your imagination! The Teacher’s Guide includes instructions and ideas which provide everything you may want to make your topic a dazzling work of art!
You can be sure that the diversity of images will be ideal for any topic. There are a variety of fonts you can use to change the appearance of your text. The ClickArt images are in colour and black & white. They include cartoons, fonts and alphabets, symbols, flags, backgrounds and borders. More than 20,000 high-quality colour images enhance everything they touch, and over 1000 borders to choose from to give your pupils’ creativity no boundaries.
The School Edition covers the National Curriculum and Curriculum Guidelines and some images have a cross-curricular appeal. Indeed, certain images may initiate some wonderful ideas from pupils which will enhance topics and projects, and give ownership over them. They can celebrate their achievements in exhibiting work with a creative choice provided by this multimedia tool. ClickArt 40,000 Image Pak School Edition is an unlimited and excellent resource for the classroom.